If you are seeking to obtain a loan modification, Arizona bankruptcy attorney Timothy Geiger has particular knowledge regarding your options under various federal and state programs. Arizona bankruptcy attorney Mr. Geiger is highly skilled in discerning the nuances of various loan modification programs and maximizing for your benefit his knowledge about the ins and outs of the loan modification and loan workout systems in order to get you through the approval process as quickly and efficiently as possible. Because of the economic downturn that has occurred over the past few years in Arizona, there are numerous homeowners who are no longer able to afford their mortgage payments. Some of them were scammed and ended up with an outrageous interest rate; others lost a job or had to take a lower paying position in order to survive. Whatever your situation may be, if you are unable to afford your current mortgage payment you may be able to obtain relief under one of the various loan modification programs available. Call our office today to schedule an appointment to discuss your options.
Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyers
Another reason to consider a loan modification is if your home has negative equity, or if it is what is sometimes referred to as being “underwater” or “upside down.” These terms and phrases refer to the situation in which your Arizona home is worth less than the mortgages against them. In other words, if you were to sell your Arizona home you would not even have enough money to pay off the mortgage(s). Obviously, our real estate market in Arizona is very depressed and even when it begins to recover it may take many years for people to return to the equity situation they enjoyed in the early to mid 2000s. Visit our office to see if you might be eligible for a loan modification in your particular situation.
Contact Our Loan Modification Attorneys
When you come in for your first appointment, you will need to bring with you some completed forms we will give you in advance of your office visit. The information you provide on those forms will enable our attorneys to determine whether you might qualify for a loan modification. If you engage our office to assist you with your Arizona loan modification, we will be in regular contact with your mortgage lender or loan servicer in order to keep your application moving along smoothly. There are various mistakes that people make when trying to obtain a loan modification on their own, without the assistance of an experienced attorney. When you use our services, you will save yourself the hassle and wasted time that many others have expended in a frustrating effort to represent themselves. We look forward to making your Arizona loan modification process as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Call us today for an appointment!